4/28/2024, Taiwan CCNP 350-401 PASS。no new questions
Congratulations, today we received notifications from several customers that they passed the CCIE EI lab exam this month
PASSED CCDE(400-007),There are about 3 new questions, one of which is a drag-and-drop question, and the others has not change
25/4/2024,Passed 350-410,no new questions, 100% coverage
Passed 350-401 on April 24, 2024.  the coverage rate and pass were 100%
Passed 350-401 on April 17, 2024. Old customers bought many PCL products, and the coverage rate and pass were 100%
I just passed the CCIE security written (350-701) this afternoon, with 100% coverage.Thanks
4/15/2024,PASSED CCDE(400-007),There are about 3 new questions, one of which is a drag-and-drop question, and the others has not change...